Are you a financial services product marketing manager looking for retirement content marketing solutions to help you:
[text style=”large-callout”]Implement a social influence approach to marketing to advisors (i.e., this program is underwritten by . . .)? [/text]
[text style=”large-callout”]Build brand awareness and loyalty?[/text]
[text style=”large-callout”]Cut through the clutter of product competitors to attract new distribution partners? [/text]
[text style=”large-callout”]Compete on a level playing field with other retirement income product options? [/text]
[text style=”large-callout”]Help advisors understand how to use a basket of products approach for holistically planning clients’ retirement income?[/text]
[text style=”large-callout”]Help advisors use your product in their client’s best interests? [/text]
[notification style=”success” font_size=”16px” closeable=”false”] Find out more about our inbound content marketing sponsorships to increase your firm’s sales by improving advisors’ retirement knowledge. [/notification]
What are the retirement content marketing sponsorship opportunities that we offer?
[image_frame size=”full-banner” image_path=”” description=”Retirement Expert Roundtables” link_to_page=”” target=”_self”]
[content_box style=”green” title=”1. Professional Development Sponsorship Opportunities for Product Firms”] LinkedIn and Twitter digital content marketing solutions (Key Takeaways, Retirement Roundtables), and professional development and other webinar series sponsorships [/content_box]
[image_frame size=”full-banner” image_path=”” description=”Retirement Professional Development Courses” link_to_page=”” target=”_self”]
[content_box style=”green” title=”2. Professional Development Opportunities for Distribution Firms”] Professional development webinar series for distribution partners, and custom-designed, live, 10-month webinar series, or a pre-recorded, 10-month webinar series [/content_box]
Content Marketing Sponsorships are still available! To learn more, please complete the Contact Us form below, or call 847-686-0440 ext. 102.