Retirement planning training and professional development for public sector retirement plans

Our Retirement Conference on Demand package is a customizable, one-stop group retirement training package for the cost of registration and travel of a few person attending a national conference! These insightful, one-hour on-demand webinars and recommended retirement professional development and training curriculum will allow attendees to share a common base of understanding and have access to the current thinking in retirement planning, retirement risks, retirement happiness, and retirement income.
Courses are perfect for:
- Public sector retirement systems’ accountants, auditors, investment provessionals and support staff.
- Benefits counselors and benefit services managers, compliance analysts,
- Customer service representatives, employer representatives,
- Field education representatives
- Human resources, payroll counselors,
- Governing board members or plan trustees
Why Do Public Sector Plans Need Retirement and Income Planning Training and Professional Development?
Members of public sector retirement plans face increased responsibility for their retirement security. Employee education must to be broader and deeper today than in years past to help members retire ready. How can your retirement system cost-effectively develop and manage the knowledge of your staff, administrators and boards to help members make informed decisions and secure their retirement?
It is important that retirement system professionals, support staff and board members receive retirement training and professional development to better understand how to meet the retirement income and security needs of your members in today’s world.
How do our retirement education and training courses help your public sector retirement system secure member retirement?
We specialize in retirement education and training for professionals and consumers, and have designed retirement education programs for certifying organizations, national retirement conferences, large financial services firms, 401(k) providers, defined benefit and hybrid retirement systems.
Our goal is to help you help your clients and members make informed retirement decisions. Your clients will trust that you have their best interests in mind when you understand how to help them be retirement ready, manage retirement risks, and make their assets and income last a lifetime.
Our retirement-specific, easily-accessible content is the best collection available and appropriate for professionals to support staff to new hires. We’ve built relationships with the retirement industry’s leading speakers, authors, trainers and professional development experts over almost 30 years in the financial industry.
Our content is known for its quality, as we are also a CE Sponsor with the CFP Board of Standards and the professional development and training partner for the Certified Retirement Counselor® (CRC®) designation used by many public sector retirement systems.
Topics cover a retirement income planning approach to retirement security:
- PLAN spending and decisions to make by retirement phase
- How retirement is different today
- Retirement readiness/transition
- Successful aging
- PROTECT plan from risks by identifying and ranking risks to manage
- Social Security (claiming, coordination of benefits)
- Medical and long-term care (Medicare, eldercare)
- Silver divorce
- Elder fraud
- PROVIDE income that optimizes use of all resources to generate income
- Retirement spending (build a floor, how to cover fixed and discretionary expenses)
- Use all assets in retirement; work
- Retirement distributions (decumulations, withdrawals, required minimum distributions, taxation)
- Lifetime income (longevity, inflation protection
- Spousal and legacy/estate planning
We'll Custom-Design a Retirement Conference on Demand for Your Team

Included in your package:
- The opportunity for both professionals and support staff to receive retirement training and development to better understand how to meet the retirement needs of your members.
- A Retirement Conference on Demand can be custom-designed from our menu of 50 conference-quality, one-hour, in-depth retirement webinars by over 40 of today’s leading retirement speakers to help your staff better understand how to service their clients’ and members’ retirement readiness, risk management and income needs.
- Custom design of a twelve (12) part, on-demand webinar group learning plan based on your desired results and/or your selection of speakers and topics from our selection of over 50 conference-quality courses by 40 leading retirement speakers.
- Each member of your team receives an emailed certificate confirming the CE credit successfully earned.
- Group leaders will have access to user reports and other reports documenting progress of each individual and the number of education hours completed for the organization.
Contact us to discuss your desired outcomes, for more information on presenters and learning plans, or to learn more about customization options by submitting this form or calling 847-686-0440 ext. 102.